Leaving Cert French Sentences on Inequality

Leaving Cert French Sentences on Inequality

Leaving Cert French Sentences on Inequality   Le Movement Des Gilets Jaunes – Une Manifestation Contre L’inégalité. The Yellow Vest Movement – A Protest against Inequality. Je suis de l’avis que le mouvement des gilets jaunes est une manifestation contre l’inégalité. I am of the opinion that the Yellow Vest movement is a demonstration against…

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Equality in Sport Leaving Cert French Reading Practice

Equality in Sport Leaving Cert French Reading Practice AGIR POUR L’ÉGALITÉ ENTRE LES SEXES À TRAVERS LE SPORT This reading on equality in sport is divided into 7 sections. Students are required to put verbs into the correct tense. The verb is pulled from the text and students must figure out what tense the verb…

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Julian Assange WikiLeaks

Julian Assange Wikileaks

JULIAN ASSANGE – WIKILEAKS Les États-Unis ont annoncé qu’il était officiellement inculpé de “Piratage informatique”. The United States have announced that he was officially charged with hacking. Julian Assange, le fondateur du site WikiLeaks a été arrêté à l’embassade d’Équateur à Londres par la police britannique le 11 avril 2019. Julian Assange, the founder of…

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Food Wastage

Food wastage

FOOD WASTAGE | LE GASPILLAGE ALIMENTAIRE  Sample Sentences  On Food Wastage Here, you will find a sample of sentences on the issue of Food Wastage, and how it is impacting negatively on our environment. This may be a good choice for a Leaving Cert Document. Il faut savoir que le gaspillage alimentaire peut avoir des…

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St. Valentine’s Day Around The World

St valentine

St. Valentine’s Day Around The World This reading practice on  St. Valentine’s Day Around The World is aimed at students in either 5th or 6th year. It contains the following tasks… Finding the verb in English Key words from the text Important grammatical constructions from the text LES TRADITIONS DE ST-VALENTIN DANS LE MONDE St.…

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Swine Flu – La Grippe Porcine

Swine Flu

SWINE FLU  LA GRIPPE PORCINE La grippe porcine commence à se propager en Irlande encore. Swine flu is beginning to spread in Ireland again. De façon générale les humains n’attrapent normalement pas la grippe porcine, mais des cas d’infection humaine se produise Generally speaking humans do not usually catch swine flu, but cases of human…

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A Green Christmas

A Green Christmas

 A GREEN CHRISTMAS TIPS FOR A GREEN CHRISTMAS DES ASTUCES POUR UN NOËL ÉCOLO Christmas Dinner… Le repas de Noël est vraiment l’élément le plus important pour beaucoup après la Messe. Pour réussir un Noël écologique, faites attention à la provenance et l’élevage de votre dinde.  C’est plus cher mais la qualité de volaille fermière…

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Celebrities & Fame


CELEBRITIES & FAME LES CÉLÉBRITÉS…  Les célébrités sont connues pour beaucoup, et dans certains cas, pour rien de tout! Celebrities are known for a lot or in certain cases, nothing at all! Un personnage public ou une célébrité est une personne largement reconnue ou célèbre qui attire sur elle l’attention du public et des médias.…

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Black Friday

Black Friday

BLACK FRIDAY LE BLACK FRIDAY OU VENDREDI NOIR   Le terme “Black Friday” ou vendredi noir est apparu pour la première fois dans les années 1960. The term “Black Friday” appeared for the first time in the 1960’s. C’est une journée dévouée aux bonnes affaires. It is a day devoted to bargains. J’adore la mode,…

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Junior Cert Reading Worksheet

JUNIOR CERT READING WORKSHEET Please feel free to use this worksheet with your students in 3rd year, or with a good 2nd year class. As we are still very much in the dark about what form the new Junior Cycle exam paper is going to look like, I am continuing to work on the basics…

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Snapchat V’s Instagram – Reading Practice

Snapchat V's Instagram - Reading Practice

INSTAGRAM V’S SNAPCHAT – READING PRACTICE READING PRACTICE – SENIOR LEVEL STORIES INSTAGRAM VS SNAPCHAT : LAQUELLE EST LA MIEUX ?   I find that reading comprehensions contain an absolute wealth of information that students could use to great effect. If reading comprehensions were really used to their absolute potential, they would provide a very rich training…

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Social Media – French Opinion Piece Extract

SOCIAL MEDIA – FRENCH OPINION PIECE EXTRACT LE MONDE DES RÉSEAUX SOCIAUX THE WORLD OF SOCIAL MEDIA SAMPLE EXTRACT TAKEN FROM OUR OPINION PIECE ON THE WORLD OF SOCIAL MEDIA When writing an opinion piece in French, I always advise my students to follow the “Rule of five”. Have five paragraphs (they can obviously be…

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French Leaving Cert Workshop

French Leaving Cert Workshops

French Leaving Cert Workshop Why should students consider doing a French Leaving Cert Workshop | Online Classes? In schools around Ireland, most students are in classes of approximately 30 students. The teacher does his or her best to make sure that you are learning to the best of your ability. For a student hoping to…

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Translation – La Traduction


TRANSLATION – LA TRADUCTION Firstly, as a French teacher, I am constantly looking for ways to reinforce learning. I have found that translation exercises are a fantastic way of getting students to concentrate on grammatical points, and either introducing or compounding a variety of key vocabulary. In the following translation exercise, students are given 20…

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