French Expression Drills

French Expression Drill Exercises

French Expression Drill Exercises


Firstly, drill exercises are a very important way of instilling confidence in writing. In our drill exercises, French Notes have provided you with key expressions, which can be used in a variety of opinion questions or diary entries. By taking the time to use the expression in a few different contexts, you will get to really understand how to use it, and it will add fluency to your written expression.

Secondly, we have provided the answers to the various exercises, but we suggest that you attempt these first, and then check your answers! In our new look drill exercises, we give you 10 sample sentences based on specific themes. Meanwhile, the following are the main themes that you should be covering for the leaving cert: Remember that these should be studied from the viewpoint of young people.

  • Social Media
  • Health
  • Education
  • Social Problems
  • Economy
  • Environment
  • Sport
  • Equality & Politics
  • Technology
  • Ireland & Europe,
  • Tradition and Culture

Meanwhile, please attempt to answer these yourself, before checking the answers below…

  • C’est un fait avéré que – It is a well-established fact that.
  • It is a well-established fact that Social media has changed our way of communicating.
  • It is a well-established fact that the Irish Health system is not working.
  • It is a well-established fact that a good education is the key to success for young people.
  • It is a well-established fact that drug abuse generally stems from a series of negative elements in a person’s life.
  • It is a well-established fact that the Irish economy is doing very well at the moment, but that the housing crisis remains a serious issue


In Conclusion, Here Are The Correct Answers…

  • It is a well-established fact that Social media has changed our way of communicating.

C’est un fait avéré que les réseaux sociaux ont changé notre façon de communiquer.

  • It is a well-established fact that the Irish Health system is not working.

C’est un fait avéré que le Système de Santé Irlandais ne fonctionne pas.

  • It is a well-established fact that  a good education is the key to success for young people.

C’est un fait avéré qu’une bonne education est la clé de la réussite pour les jeunes.

  • It is a well-established fact that drug abuse generally stems from a series of negative elements in a person’s life.

C’est un fait avéré que l’abus de drogues provient généralement d’une série d’éléments négatifs dans la vie d’un individu.

  • It is a well-established fact that the Irish economy is doing very well at the moment, but that the housing crisis remains a serious issue.

C’est un fait avéré que l’économie Irlandaise connaît un succès en ce moment, mais que la crise du lodgement reste un grave problème.


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