Fake News


In this sample opinion question on ‘Fake News?’ you will also find the grammatical constructions used, and a list of vocabulary to help you in creating your own masterpiece. This opinion question is written in both French and English.

  • Firstly, we cover, the structure of an opinion piece.
  • Secondly, we go through, what to put into each section of your opinion piece.

And much more…


Fake News

Could this topic on Fake News  make an appearance in the Leaving Cert French Exam? Well yes is the answer to that. The topics which appear on the leaving cert French exam are very broad. If you think that it would be impossible to write about this, let us here at French Notes take the problem and give you the solution. You will receive a sample opinion question, written in both French and English, with a key to the grammatical constructions used, and a list of vocabulary to help you in creating your own masterpiece.

  • Firstly, we cover, the structure of an opinion piece.
  • Secondly, we go through what to put into each section of your opinion piece.
  • We also give you examples of how to use the vocabulary and grammatical constructions throughout the piece.
  • In short, all our opinion pieces act as guides for your own writing.
  • 25 key words to learn on the topic.
  • Phonetics to learn how to pronounce key vocabulary.
  • Grammatical constructions written in both English & French.

Fake News – Extract

Do you trust media and social media to be informed about the world?


Social media and media in general are an excellent way of keeping up to date with what is happening in the world. Overall the reports are unbiased and a true representation of what is happening. However, in some cases, we must ask ourselves the question: is this information really accurate? We have to be careful that the information is trustworthy and from a reliable source. The reality of fake news has made us question everything that we read online…

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